I have wanted to share this post for some time. I have been hoping and planning this for some time. Some things just got confirmed, so I can now share.
Ben and Brian are both members of Boy Scout Troop 15 in Atlanta. Officially in the Hightower Trail region. As part of the Scouts, Ben has participated in two of the BSA High Adventure trips. So far, he has successfully completed challenging time in the boundary waters of Northern Tier in Minnesota and hiking of Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. If you are fortunate enough to make it to all three, you officially earn the Tripple Crown patch. Ben will earn the Tripple Crown distincion in April 2018, as he is signed up to go to Sea Base in the Florida Keys.
I had the honour of going to Northern Tier with Ben as an adult leader. The Scouts earned a 75-mile patch for canoeing and portaging a very long way in a 6 day period. It was an amazing experience to be with Ben and the other Scouts as they accomplished, endured and learned so much.
At Florida Sea Base, Ben and the other Scouts will be sailing, snorkelling, exploring islands and sleeping at large sailboats. Yes, I am an adult leader for that trip also. Anyone that knows me knows that spending a week in the Florida Keys is something I'm always willing to do. Going with my son is a dream come true. I am so excited about this trip.
So if you don't know the story about Brian, read my post here. His chances of survival, much less his ability to walk, talk, eat or be conscious ever again, were pretty much nil in December 2011. No sort of a quality of life was possible at that time.
Many many amazing things have happened for Brian and all of us since that month. Books have been written. Today, I can't think of a better way to celebrate the quality of life than spending time in the Florida Keys. If only Brian could go to Sea Base also. However, his swimming is currently likely not going to allow him to pass the required test, plus he was about 45 days too young. The requirements said that you must be 14 years old by September 1, 2018, to attend the trip. Brian will not turn 14 until Oct 14. The guidelines said "no exceptions....don't even ask"
Brian has been involved with an organization called Blaze Sports. He has been involved with an adaptive swimming program for 3 years. Our goal was to get Brian to be a good enough swimmer so he would not sink if he fell into deep water. It has been pretty amazing to share the pool with so many inspiring kids. Some that have even competed in international competitions including the Rio 2016 Para Olympics. Our goal has been surpassed. Our comfort level around the water is so much better than it was. Blaze Sports is the main reason why.
In the past few weeks the following things happened:.
-A spot opened up on the Troop 15 team to Sea Base
- Sea Base changed age requirements that would allow Brian to go.
-Hurricane Irma sparred Florida Sea Base enough that they feel pretty confident that the April trips will continue as planned.
- We signed Brian up for the spot. For a boy that had no hope of any quality of life, a sailing trip to the Florida Keys and experience one of the Boy Scouts High Adventure trips seems like a monumental accomplishment,.
To be eligible, Ben, Brian, and I must "Strongly" pass the BSA swim test. For Brian, that will be his new Blaze Sports goal. It will be a challenge that he will have to work hard to get.
Also, a challenge that we all face is the ability to climb up a latter from the water onto a boat. Though it is not a formal test, we have been informed that this is something that Brian will need to do on his own. With his Physical Therapists, Blaze Sports and friends with boats, we feel that we can overcome this challenge as well. These things will be tough but achievable.
I do not expect that Brian will be competing in the Para Olympics in the future. However, if he is able to accomplish the goal of attending a BSA High Adventure trip, weel, that would be his Rio.
I plan to Blog about Brians progress on this goal. Prayers are very much welcome. The trip is scheduled to happen the first week in April 2018.