Friday, March 30, 2018

Log Day 1: Journey begins

The day after Brian passed his swim test, we got word that his school was closing.  Not at the end of the year, but with 2 months of school left.  So, he started the new school this week. So far so good.  His transition has been as good as expected.  He even got interviewed on WSB TV about his new school.  The link to that interview is here. 

The last 2 weeks have included a college fair for Ben, a Dance Marathon for Brian, getting things done at work for me so I can enjoy the vacation time.  Atlanta traffic was awful this week.  Top it off that it was sort of cold and rainy earlier in the week.  What I'm trying to say is that we are ready for this trip. 

So, Troop 15 will have 22 people at Seabase.  We have 16 Scouts and 6 chaperones.  We will be on 3 different sail boats.  Brian and I will be on Boat C.  Ben will be on Boat H.  Ben,Brian, and I are driving down to Key Largo and meeting the others that are flying down.  Ellen is driving down with us.  She will fly back to Atlanta Monday. 

To assist the other scouts, we are bringing the cargo of sleeping bags and pads of all 22 Scouts and leaders. This way they don't have to check any bags flying down  It has been a very interesting hauling this cargo so far.

Day 1 started after school and work for all of us with a drive to Statesboro, GA.  Visiting my parents and seeing our old home town has been brief but enjoyable.  Day 2 will start with a brief visit with some friends, and a drive to Melbourne Florida.   We plan to celebrate Easter Sunday with a sunrise mass on the beach. 

Future Blogs will likely not come until after the trip is complete.  I plan to keep a journal and will post it later.  I will post Facebook/ Instagram Photos.   Please send any positive thoughts and prayers our way.  This is a trip of a lifetime for all of us. 

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