When you google brain injury or tbi, it focusses on so many things that are negative. I know from first hand. When I first researched it, all I wanted was something that would give me hope. I found very little. I can tell you that I am optimistic about our future. Hope is not lost when a family member has a brain injury. So, to start Brain Injury Awareness Month, I want people to know that hope is not lost and that happiness can be achieved after an injury. I have now witnessed numerous examples of that being the case.
You will see more about this topic from us this month. For now, I leave you with a Brain Injury Fact from the Brain Injury Association of America.
• Just as no two people are exactly alike, no two brain
injuries are exactly alike. For some, brain injury is the
start of a lifelong disease process. The injury requires
access to a full continuum of medically necessary
treatment and community-based supports furnished
by interdisciplinary teams of qualified and specialized
clinicians working in accredited programs and
appropriate settings.
Blue sky ahead for us |
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