Sunday, March 9, 2014

You Never Know What They Will Say

Society has an expectation of how people should act, react, or behave.  I agree that it is a good thing.  However, when can someone decide to not follow the society norm?  What are the ramifications of that?    Society expects someone to abide by the law.  However - that is not always the case.  If you are on I-285 in Atlanta - and only want to drive the posted sped limit, you better be in the right lane only.  Driving the legal limit is not the expectation of society in this case.    In fact - Georgia is considering some legislation that could ticket the slow drivers in the left lane.

I think it is common for parents to worry about what your child says or acts in a group setting.  It reflects on how you as a parent have taught them.  Yet - kids will be kids, so they can be forgiven for some things.   To what point?

Brian loves being the center of attention.  He does not behave the way that social norms would dictate sometimes.  However, he is usually very charming when he does it.  He will talk to anybody at anytime for any reason.  I know to not do or say anything that I do not want shared with others.  I just assume that his teacher and his friends will hear it, and they do.  Not that I have anything to hide...  :)

At our church, the mass we attend most of the time has a children's church time, when the kids come forward and the Father asks them questions.  We have at times tried to prevent Brian from going up, because he answers all the questions....and sometimes will not let the other kids.  Truthfully, most of the other kids are shy anyway.  However, he has revealed that we are going to a party that afternoon, or that we were heading to a place with a hot top after church, or other things, that we really do not care to share with the hundreds of other members of our church.

Today, the guest priest asked what everyone gave up for lent.  One other kid answered the question first, and Brian raised his hand enthusiastically.   The priest called on Brian, and I had that brief second of ohh noo what is he going to say......   Thought of "My dad is giving up beer"  or something like that came to mind.   Or him saying that he is giving up pie.  Brian is known now for saying that he loves pie, but does not eat it when we actually have some.

Well, Brian answered proudly that he was giving up doing his homework for lent.    Father got a laugh - as did much of the church.  For me - I just took a sigh of relief.  That could have been worse.

By the way...we are making sure he does not give up homework for lent.  

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